
Useful tips for food shopping

Your GP should be able to advise you on any services that are available in your area to help people that have difficulty in accessing food, as well as your local council. The most common service being meals on wheels. Below I have quoted some information about the Royal Voluntary Services meals on wheels scheme. Their website can be found here.

   'The Royal Voluntary Service is the original meals on wheels provider. We deliver two million meals a year to people who have difficulty with shopping, carrying food home or cooking for themselves.'

   'Today the service could be more accurately described as 'meals with care.' Our drivers are instructed to ensure that the older person is safe, well and secure.'

   'Our home delivered meals service provides friendly social contact for those who may be confined to the house.'

   'In some cases, once the driver has delivered a frozen meal one of our volunteers will come over and heat the meal up for the older person and stay to keep them company.'

Other useful websites for frozen meal delivery services are:

Below I have made a list of tips to help sufferers of a chronic illness, their carers or anyone that had difficulties shopping for food.

* Is there someone that could go shopping for you? A neighbour, relative or friend

* Can someone take you to the shops? Or could you get a taxi?

* Internet shopping- If possible time the delivery so that someone can be there to help you to unpack and put away the items.

* Find out what assistance the supermarket has? Mobility scooters, wheelchairs, trolleys for wheelchairs, disabled parking bays, toilets.

* If you use a mobility scooter or a wheelchair is there someone that can help you get things off high or low shelves or from freezers for you?

* Speaking of freezers, make sure you wear layers whilst shopping so that you don't become to cold and burn more energy as your body tries to keep warm.

* Always go to the same shop, where you know the layout and the staff, that way you know where everything is and you won't waste energy by searching for the things that you need.

* Always write a shopping list beforehand so that you remember what you need to get. This will save energy if brain fog hits and you are wandering aimlessly trying to remember what you needed to get and may save you another visit.

* Does the supermarket have a cafe? You may wish to do your shopping in stages rather than one big push. A rest and a drink or healthy snack may help you

* Weigh up whether you are best doing a big shop less frequently or smaller shops more often? Which suits your energy and stamina levels best.

* Trolleys tend to be better than baskets because they distribute the weight better, even if only have a few items.  Using a higher trolley will also prevent you from needing to bend as far.

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